A professional tool that can manage the requirements of professionals and of the entire dubbing sector: that’s the purpose of the website ildoppiaggio.it, according to Federica D’Amico. The online web portal specifically dedicated to this Italian excellence, which she thought up herself, was launched a few days ago. We asked her to tell us more about her intuition.

©Monica Riccucci Fotografia
«The idea of creating a web portal stemmed from the need to have a tool that could allow dubbers and other personnel involved in the recording phase (dubbing directors, assistants and script adaptors) to autonomously and easily update their artistic curriculum. It was to be a sort of personal mini website where to include one’s activities outside dubbing. But it can also work as a common planner, to be used to assign the several roles to be filled in during a given job; a “container” that may one day provide the tools needed to run the collective management of copyrights and much more. Aside from being a working tool, the website is also a useful databank for mere dubbing enthusiasts. You can sign up for free and use all the basic functions. If you want to enjoy the advanced functions – including the management of public profiles and services dedicated to professional figures (dubbers and script adaptors) – you must pay a yearly or monthly fee. When you sign up, you are given a three-month period during which you may use, for free, all the services provided by the website. Once the three-month period is over, advanced functions will be offered and the user may choose whether to switch to a Premium subscription, which involves a fee, or a Basic subscription, free of charge.»